Pawikan Network Monitor

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Network Weathermap

Pawikan's most valuable user interface is the Network Weathermap which shows the traffic utilization of the network by color-coded links and nodes. Through this tool, network administrators can easily visualize the current status of the network links.
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NetCartographer is a Java application that runs as a client-side windows application. It has user interfaces for viewing the network topology and network connections with traffic utilization. It is the official Java GUI of Pawikan.

NetCartographer requires a Java in the system where it will be run. Here is how to install Java in FreeBSD.

- su root
- cd /usr/ports/java
- cd linux-sun-jdk14
- make install clean
NOTE: follow the instructions on what to download. 
this installation via ports collection requires you to manually download certain files.

After installing the Java, install netcartograper and run "./". You might recieve an error below.

ERROR: "Connection to database failed!"

This is error is due to the fact that the NetCartographer uses a Postgresql connection to the remote Pawikan server. Due to security settings in the Postgresql database, all hosts are barred from connecting not unless the "pg_hba.conf" was edited and allowed your IP to connect. So please edit the "pg_hba.conf" in the Pawikan server where ou wish to connect. Edit the "pg_hba.conf and put at the end of the line stating to permit your IP address to connect:

host    all         all   trust

You will see this error in the Pawikan database promt.

FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgresql", database "netmon"

Make sure to restart the Postgresql server after editing the pg_hba.conf. Now, retry connecting the NetCartographer again and it should work now!


NetBrowser is a Java applet which can visualize the Pawikan's network discovery data using the interactive Touchgraph library which enhances browsing/viewing of complex network topologies. It shows routers interfaces, server's open ports and their interconnections to one another. Using this tool, you can collapse/expand your network nodes and links.

The topology browser or netbrowser is a tool that comes with Pawikan as one of its Java visualization tools. To use this tool, you can access it using the web browser with Java-enabled. It has been tested in Konqueror on FreeBSD-5.3 with Java SDK, Internet Explorer on WinXP Professional with Java SDK, Firefox on WinXP, Mozilla on FreeBSD. If it's your first-time to use the tool, access the Pawikan web-GUI, login and go to the Tools section. Click on the "Network Browser". In the case of using Konqueror in FreeBSD-5.3, you must make sure that a Java SDK is installed in the system. Then, configure your conqueror to point on the exact location of the Java executables so it can run the applet being used to launch the Network Browser. At the Konqueror broswer, click "Settings"->"Configure Konqueror"->"Java and Javascript". Enter the correct path to the Java executable in the option below the dialog box. Now, access the web browser and it should work now! A line or colored overlapping nodes will appear at the center of the browser. There are two ways to browse the topology. It's either you click the center node or drag/drop the one of the nodes. Clicking a node will explode only that node. Dragging and dropping the node will explode the whole network topology. Exploding the whole network topology will take a couple of minutes. You can mouse-over to the routers, interfaces, servers and ports to see more info. You can drag the nodes, explode it or zoom! Just explore the interface! View Snapshots

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