Node - Provide information on a generalized SNMP-enabled machine


        use DBI;
        use Node;

        my $dbh = new DBI->connect(...);
        my $node = new Node( id=>$machineID, dbHandle=>$dbh );

        $node->SNMP( oid=>'temp5min' );


        $node->SNMP( oid=>'temp5min', timestamp=>1 );

        $node->SNMP( oid=>'cpu5min', value=>'5', timestamp=>'2004-07-16 18:28:01' );

        print $node->id
        print $node->name
        print $node->description


Node contains the general information for a machine: server, interface, router, bridge, etc. It supports only a few items that are common between these machines. Its SNMP() method can be used to access the latest data or add new time-varying data (e.g. temperature, cpu utilization). These data are related to the loopback interface of the machine. Only loopback interfaces can have these data as these are not actually related with the interface, but with the machine that owns the loopback interface.

Node is meant to be a SUPER class, and not meant to be used directly. It provides a common method for mahines and interfaces to load/save data and provide the latest SNMP values. You cannot use Node to save anything.


        new() - create a new node

                dbHandle - database handle
                id       - machine ID of the node

        SNMP() - get or set SNMP data
                oid         - numerical object ID
                name        - textual object ID
                description - definition of this object ID
                timestamp*  - date and time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
                value       - actual data

                        * - timestamp can also be used to get the timestamp, instead of the OID value, simply use timestamp=>1

        id() - returns the id of the machine

        name() - returns the name of the machine

        description() - returns its description


Node will not return an error when you don't pass any parameter. Instead, it is set to an undefined value.


Node is supported as part of the core Pawikan distribution. Please send bug reports to <> or use the bugzilla.

Jerremeo Raynier Gabás <>


Copyright (c) 2004 Philippine Research, Education and Government Information Network. All rights reserved. This program is part of the Pawikan Distribution; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Pawikan itself.